Safe, Effective Cat & Dog Vaccinations in Alameda, CA
At Providence Veterinary Hospital & Clinic, we strongly believe that preventing disease is far better for your pet than treating it after it’s developed. That’s why we put an emphasis on preventive medicine, which includes routine exams and vaccinations. Vaccines play a vital role in preventing diseases in the Alameda and greater Oakland pet communities that would otherwise cause life-limiting illness, or worse.
Our veterinarians follow cat and dog vaccination guidelines set by the American Animal Hospital Association and UC Davis. We take a personalized approach to every pet to make sure they only get the vaccines they need for complete protection.
Vaccines We Offer
Our animal hospital and clinic both offer the same cat and dog vaccinations. Vaccines are either considered “core,” and are recommended for every pet, or they are “noncore” and only recommended based on your pet’s lifestyle and their exposure to risk.
Vaccinations we offer include:
- Rabies - The rabies vaccine is required for all dogs by law in the state of California, and the City of Alameda requires the vaccine for all dogs and cats as well. This disease is zoonotic, meaning it can spread from animals to people. Our feline rabies vaccine is PureVax.
- DAP (canine distemper, hepatitis, and parvovirus) - DAP, also known as the distemper combo, protects your dog against several illnesses. Your puppy will receive the DAP combo during their initial vaccination series, and after that, they will be given boosters throughout their lives. DAP is an Ultra vaccine.
- Leptospirosis - Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection spread in water and soil that has been contaminated by an infected animal's urine. The vaccine is highly recommended for dogs who are often outdoors, particularly in areas where wildlife is present.
- FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia) - Commonly referred to as "feline distemper" this combination vaccine protects your kitty from three dangerous diseases. The FVRCP vaccine is an Ultra vaccine and after your kitten's initial series, they'll receive this vaccine routinely to maintain immunity.
- Bordetella (“kennel cough”) – The Bordetella vaccine is recommended for dogs who board, are groomed, or visit the dog park often. Most often, this vaccine is given orally.
- Canine influenza – Similarly to Bordetella, canine influenza (CIV) is recommended for dogs who are boarded, groomed, or visit dog parks.
- Lyme disease – Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness spread by the black-legged, or deer, tick. It is recommended for dogs who travel to areas with a high prevalence of Lyme disease, like New England.
- Feline leukemia – The feline leukemia vaccine is highly recommended for outdoor cats who can come in contact with infected feral cats. We offer the PureVax version of this vaccine.
Better Vaccines for Cats & Dogs
While vaccines are generally safe and provide a far greater benefit than they do risk, it’s still important to us to ensure your pet is getting the safest vaccines on the market. Our veterinarians use PureVax vaccines for feline rabies and feline leukemia. PureVax vaccines are safer for your cat as they don’t use any adjuvants, which are chemical additives that help stimulate the immune system to respond to the vaccine. Cats can be sensitive to these, so we choose vaccines that leave them out.
For the DHPP and FVRCP vaccines, we use Ultra. Ultra vaccines use less volume in the vaccine injection than other vaccine brands, meaning your pet gets the same high level of protection with less injection. Plus, less volume makes for a more comfortable experience.
Why are Vaccines So Important?
Without vaccines, your pet is vulnerable to potentially life-threatening illnesses that are far more prevalent in the environment than you may realize. Some illnesses, like rabies, are always fatal, while others like parvovirus and panleukopenia can take a tremendous toll on your pet's health and cause life-long consequences. Therefore, preventing these illnesses altogether versus treating your pet is a far better option — not only for your pet's well-being but for your wallet, too.
When Does My Pet Need Vaccines?
Puppies and kittens start on a vaccination schedule soon after they're weaned (usually around 6-8 weeks of age). They’ll receive a series of core vaccines during their first year, plus any lifestyle vaccines that may be recommended. After this initial series, cats and dogs will require routine vaccine boosters throughout their lives to maintain immunity.